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Ed Sabel

Ed Sabel

~ Innax

As an Asset Manager/Project Leader and Execution Team Leader at Innax Measurement Company, I worked with the project team to design the measurement and communication setup for energy flows, which resulted our the current setup.

We collect energy flow data for billing purposes, and provide fast local data via Modbus TCP/IP from our installed meters.

We are in continuous collaboration with Tim Verbruggen, Ron van Alphen, Michel Kamphuis, Joris Hamers, and various employees of Equans - where we offer local data to a PLC, which is used for control technology, ensuring that the energy balance is maintained.

In other words, we monitor whether the feedback on the 150kV TenneT network does not exceed what the transfer point can handle, and whether there is any feedback at all, or if the batteries are being charged.

On the other hand, our Modbus TCP/IP data is forwarded to an Influx database, which collects all this data, makes it visible through graphs, and can quickly send it to third parties who want to use this data.